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2012.09.19 第四届IEEE生物信息与生物医学工程国际会议(iCBBE 2010)

The 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE 2010) will be held from June 18th to 20th, 2010 in Chengdu, China. iCBBE 2010 will bring together top researchers from Asian Pacific areas, North America, Europe and around the world to exchange research results and address open issues in all aspects of bioinformatics and biomedical engineering. All accepted papers in iCBBE 2010 will be published by IEEE and indexed by Ei Compendex and ISTP.

2008.04.02 于海洲

#middle ul{width:280px; float:left; padding-top:60px; padding-left:20px;}#middle h2{font-size:14px; font-weight:bold;}#middle li{border-bottom:1px solid #ccc;} 追思抗非英雄:于海洲 姓名:于海洲 生辰 ...

2008.04.02 梁世奎

#middle ul{width:280px; float:left; padding-top:60px; padding-left:20px;}#middle h2{font-size:14px; font-weight:bold;}#middle li{border-bottom:1px solid #ccc;} 追思白衣战士:梁世奎 姓名:梁世奎 生辰 ...

2008.04.02 胡贵芳

#middle ul{width:280px; float:left; padding-top:60px; padding-left:20px;}#middle h2{font-size:14px; font-weight:bold;}#middle li{border-bottom:1px solid #ccc;} 追思白衣战士:胡贵芳 姓名:胡贵芳 生辰 ...

2008.04.02 陈静秋

#middle ul{width:280px; float:left; padding-top:60px; padding-left:20px;}#middle h2{font-size:14px; font-weight:bold;}#middle li{border-bottom:1px solid #ccc;} 追思白衣战士:陈静秋 姓名:陈静秋 生辰 ...

2012.12.24 2013年超分子组装结构分析的混合方法研讨会

and modeling methods. These experimental methods include X-ray crystallography, NMR spectroscopy, electron microscopy, small angle X-ray scattering, mass

2018.10.29 医生#心内科主任医师

浙江慈林医院心内科主任医师,擅长心律失常的诊断、介入、药物治疗,交叉于内外科的心律失常射频消融、起搏和手术治疗。每年从事复杂心脏畸形和冠心病的心血管造影等手术 800 余例。在心脏瓣膜手术后心律失常治疗、复杂先心病和冠心病的术前诊断和内科治疗方面经验丰富。

2012.09.19 第四届亚太支气管镜与介入肺脏病学研讨会

4th Asia Pacific Congress on Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology



Dear Colleagues,

It is a matter of great pleasure to invite you to attend the 4th Asian-Pacific Congress on Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology (APCB2012), Jointly withBRONCOCON, being organized from 19th to 22nd January 2012, at the historical city-Jaipur,under the auspices of Indian Association for Bronchology (IAB). The venue of this mega conference will be the B. M. Birla Science and Technology Centre, situated in the heart of Jaipur city.

The scientific program of APCB 2012 will cover a wide array of topics in Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology. Workshops with Hands-on-Practice for basic Bronchoscopy and Interventional Bronchoscopy such as: EBUS, Thoracoscopy, Autofluorescence Diagnosis, Endobronchial Therapy, Stenting, TBNA etc. will be novel attractions. There will also be best video and poster competitions.

We extend you all a very warm invitation to experience the charms of this wonderful city and actively participate in the discussions and share your knowledge and experience with other colleagues.

Please join with Family and Friends to enjoy the warm Hospitality of Rajasthan and Jaipur.

We look forward to welcome you to the “ Pink City” of India.

With Warm Greetings…


Dr. S K Sarkar

(Organizing President)
C-24, Vaishali Marg,
Vaishali Nagar,
Tel. : +91 141 2357660
Fax : +91 141 2355660
E-mail: info@apcb2012.com

美国CDC公布美国人口死因报告 药物滥用致死升势明显

2012.01.13 美国CDC公布美国人口死因报告 药物滥用致死升势明显


2011.08.15 膝关节半月板损伤的核磁共振MRI影像学检查

美国Rosas HG在2009年6月的《Top Magn Reson Imaging》(核磁共振专题)杂志上撰文,总结了膝关节半月板的核磁共振MRI影像学。文中称:在诊断膝关节半月板损伤上,膝关节核磁共振影像学技术已经发展成为一项具有高精确性的方法。膝关节核磁共振片子上可以显示出必要的解剖学细节

2013.01.05 论坛嘉宾

BlanchardMahesh ChoolaniMao MAORay YIP

2013.01.04 论坛嘉宾

ChoolaniMao MAORay YIPShujuan CHEN

2016.02.22 会议费用

优惠价格 (2016 年 2 月 29 日前付款):学生:CNY 600标准:CNY 800标准价格 (2016 年 4 月 15 日前付款):学生:CNY 750标准:CNY 1 0001、以上价格包含报名费、午餐/茶歇等。2、本次会议采取按号入座形式,座位号将

2014.12.15 耳鼻咽喉科


2014.10.22 每年30万儿童因不合理使用抗生素耳聋

我国是不安全用药导致药害事件的重灾区之一。记者了解到,我国每年非正常死亡人数逾800万,其中医疗损害事件造成约40万人非正常死亡,不安全用药占大头,致死人数是交通事故的4倍。据世界卫生组织统计,在所有开出的药物中,一半以上配药 (销售)不当,而且有半数患者没有正确用药。我国有九成人群对自我药疗、购药储药和用药禁忌

2014.06.04 细胞培养表面对细胞表现的影响

培训地点:康宁生命科学亚洲技术中心开课日期:2014/5/22报名截止:2014/5/8培训费用:800 /人/次课程信息目标人群:正在从事或对原代细胞培养和3D细胞培养感兴趣的技术人员和科学家。需对操作和应用又基本经验。参训人员将获得康宁培训课程证书

2013.01.11 武大称只有200“三无”博导“下岗”

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