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最新复旦版中国医院排行榜 TOP 10:普外科

2016.11.13 最新复旦版中国医院排行榜 TOP 10:普外科

最新复旦版中国医院排行榜普外科的 TOP 10 都有哪些医院呢?
最新复旦版中国医院排行榜 TOP 10:神经科

2016.11.13 最新复旦版中国医院排行榜 TOP 10:神经科

最新复旦版中国医院排行榜神经科的 TOP 10 都有哪些医院呢?

2014.05.07 2013年全球制药巨头收入排行Top10

中国医院科技影响力排行榜 TOP20:普通外科学

2016.12.20 中国医院科技影响力排行榜 TOP20:普通外科学

2016 年,中国医院科技影响力评价以全国 1325 家三级医院为评价对象,以国家标准《学科分类与代码》为分类依据,学科范围为该标准「临床医学」下的二级类目,以及「内科学」和「外科学」两个二级类目下的三级类目,针对医院的 26 个学科开展科技影响力评价。以下为普通外科学在中国医院科技影响力排行榜 TOP20,你的医院

2012.09.19 美国先进医疗技术协会2011会议

Logistics & Hotelinfo@medtechconference.orgPanel

2012.09.19 2011美国眼内肿瘤和眼病理学协会年会

://www.peabodyorlando.com/The Peabody Hotel is located adjacent to the Convention Center.

2015.07.22 2020年疫苗销售Top5


2014.05.14 2013-2014全美畅销药品Top100排名


2013.08.22 基因Top3β缺陷导致一系列神经发育疾病

Top3β 可能是导致精神分裂症、自闭症谱系障碍和智力缺陷的一种共同因素

2013.06.01 联合专业睡眠学会(APSS)年会

Convention Center, located in Baltimore's Inner Harbor. The headquarter hotel

2014.06.10 2013年全球Top15制药企业最为倚重的产品


The American Association of Endocrine Surgeons 35th Annual Meeting

midday. The conference will be held at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel, located right... in the USA. The hotel is within easy walking distance to some great shopping

2012.09.19 第十七届国际生物物理大会

, modern hotel accommodation, delicious food and the tremendous success of the 2008

2012.09.19 上海张江转化医学产业化国际高峰论坛2012

2012April 13-15, 2012Jumeirah Hotel, Shanghai, China转化...中心、复旦大学与中国医学科学院分子肿瘤国家重点实验室诚挚邀请您于2012年4月13-15日在上海浦东Jumeirah Himalayas Hotel参加上海张江

2012.09.19 国际泌尿外科学会(SIU)第三十届大会

Congress Venue
Shanghai International Convention Center
No. 2727 Riverside Avenue, Pudong
Shanghai, China
200120 The 30th Congress of the Societe Internationale d'Urologie will be held at the Shanghai International Convention Center (SICC) from Sunday, November 1 to Thursday, November 5, 2009. The SICC is located in the Lujiazui Finance and Trade Center Zone, has hosted many major international conferences, and is renowned for the abundance of options and high-tech resources it offers guests. Visa Letter of InvitationOfficial Visa Letter of invitation can be sent to you by the Chinese Medical Association, upon request. Pre-registration for the 30th SIU Congress is required in order to receive such a letter. If you are planning to visit China with your family, the letter can be issued for up to five family members. These letters do not commit the Congress to any financial obligations, nor do they obligate the Congress to intercede in any way on the participant抯 behalf. The SIU is not able to contact embassies or consulates on behalf of any individual wishing to enter China to attend the SIU 30th Congress in Shanghai. VisaVisas are required for almost all visitors to mainland China. Foreign delegates should apply for visas from their nearest Chinese embassy or consulate as soon as possible to ensure that they receive their visa in due time. Certain conditions apply to visitors whose country of residence is not the same as their country of citizenship. TransportationFor transfers to your hotel, please contact SIUIndividualBooking@pacificworldcn.com The rates are as follows:
From Pudong International Airport to your hotel
Private transfer by car for 1-2 person(s) = US $118
Private transfer by van for 3-4 persons = US $152
From Hong Qiao Airport to your hotel
Private transfer by car for 1-2 person(s) = US $88
Private transfer by van for 3-4 persons = US $106 Delegates from ItalyPlease contact the agency listed below to assist you in making travel arrangements for the 30th Congress of the SIU.
复星医药荣登 2019 年度中国医药工业百强系列榜单Top 10

2020.07.23 复星医药荣登 2019 年度中国医药工业百强系列榜单Top 10

7 月 22 日,2019 年度中国医药工业百强系列榜单盛大发布,复星医药在 2019 年度中国化药企业 TOP100 排行榜中荣登前十,位列第六。「2019 年度中国医药工业百强系列榜单」分为「中国化药企业 TOP100 排行榜」、「中国中药企业 TOP100 排行榜」、「中国 CRO(含 CDMO)企业

2014.05.15 2013-2014全美畅销药品Top100排名

IMS Health近日经市场调查整理,推出全美Top100药品处方量和销售额榜单。 &nbsp...Top10的畅销药还包括瑞舒伐他汀(Crestor,55亿),Advair Diskus(51亿),哮喘药物依那西普(Enbrel,美国安进;约49亿)以及英夫
美国小型上市公司TOP100榜单 医疗保健类公司抢眼

2014.10.30 美国小型上市公司TOP100榜单 医疗保健类公司抢眼

精彩幻灯:MRI 诊断篇 Top 7

2016.12.25 精彩幻灯:MRI 诊断篇 Top 7

2016 年备受大家欢迎的八个幻灯。
2015 呼吸频道必看指南 Top 10

2015.12.24 2015 呼吸频道必看指南 Top 10

转眼间,2015 即将进入尾声,这「医」年,呼吸时间感恩你的陪伴!忙绿的你是不是错过了权威的指南更新,是不是遗漏了重要的医疗资讯,是不是忘记了实用的临床技巧?
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