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2012.09.19 中国生理学会细胞膜片钳实验技术培训班通知
1、膜片钳技术在医学领域的应用和发展趋势 曾晓荣教授
2、膜片钳放大器基本原理及参数设置和应用 刘振伟博士
3、膜片钳实验数据采集分析软件的使用 刘振伟博士
4、离子通道的分类、结构和功能 曾晓荣教授
5、离子通道的门控机制 井上勋博士
地点:四川泸州市江阳区忠山路 泸州医学院心血管医学研究所
时间:2011年7月11日至16日 共计40学时
地址:四川泸州市江阳区忠山路泸州医学院心血管医学研究所 646000
中国生理学会2011年膜片钳技术培训班回执姓名 性别 年龄 职称 职务 单位 现从事专业 研究方向 是否有电生理研究经验 地 址 邮编 联系电话 传真 E-mail 手机 备 注
2012.09.19 第五届中国工业生物技术发展高峰论坛
会议简介工业生物技术具有非常广阔的应用前景,在中国正受到越来越广泛的关注,同时在我国工业生物技术领域近年来也不断取得重要的成果。继第四届中国工业生物技术发展高峰论坛在浙江湖州取得圆满成功之后,2011年5月24日―27日,中国科学院生命科学与生物技术局将联合有关部门在山东省青岛市共同举办“第五届中国工业生物技术发展高峰论坛”。会议旨在为我国工业生物技术领域的专家、学者、金融界和企业界人士提供一个高水平的交流平台,促进中国科学院 “生物技术创新与生物产业促进计划”和“生物产业科技创新联盟”的实施。论坛将广聚国内外有影响的领域专家,一批承担国家973、863项目等重要科研任务的科研骨干,以及海外归来加盟国内团队的科技新锐、青年学者介绍工业生物技术产业各领域的概貌,研发动态及展望,期望以新学术、新思维带给大家新的思考,以学术交流促进合作。此次会议将是一场由新创意、新思维碰撞出的思想盛宴。为此,热忱欢迎海内外专家、学者、生物产业领域的企业界人士以及社会各界朋友积极参与此次盛会。会议主要内容:邀请工业生物技术领域的高层领导、海内外知名专家学者和龙头企业,就我国工业生物技术领域面临的机遇与挑战、科研发展态势、产业进展、发展战略等问题作大会报告。会议主题:创新工业生物技术、持续生物经济发展分会场设有:资源生物技术、能源生物技术、化工生物技术、环境生物技术、海洋生物技术和合成生物学与仿生技术六个主题。
会议日程: 日 期 时 间 内 容 5月24日 10:00-18:30 报到 5月25日 9:00-10:30 开幕式及领导致辞 10:30-10:50 集体合影、论坛休息 10:50-12:00 大会报告 12:00-13:30 自助午餐 13:30-18:00 项目对接活动 18:00 青岛市委、市政府招待晚宴 5月26日 8:30-12:10 专场一:资源生物技术 主持人:胡 强(美国亚利桑那州立大学,教授)
徐 健(中国科学院青岛生物能源与过程研究所,研究员)
12:10-13:30 自助午餐 13:30-15:40 专场二:能源生物技术 主持人:曲音波(山东大学,教授)李元广(华东理工大学,教授) 15:40-16:00 茶歇 16:00-18:10 专场三:化工生物技术 主持人:陈洪章(中国科学院过程研究所,研究员)邢新会(清华大学,教授) 18:30-20:30 自助晚餐 5月27日 8:30-12:10 专场四:环境生物技术 主持人:左剑恶(清华大学,教授)任南琪(中国工程院院士;哈尔滨工大,教授) 12:10-13:30 自助午餐 13:30-15:40 专场五:海洋生物技术 主持人:张玉忠(山东大学,教授)耿美玉(中国科学院上海药物研究所,研究员) 15:40-16:00 茶歇 16:00-18:10 专场六:合成生物学与仿生技术 主持人:覃重军(中国科学院上海植物生理所,研究员)林章凛(清华大学,教授) 18:30 自助晚餐,论坛结束
2012.09.19 2nd Asia-Pacific Osteoporosis and Bone Meeting
会议简介 WelcomeThe Presidents of IOF and ANZBMS along with the Local Organising Committee are pleased to invite you to participate in the IOF Regionals - 2nd Asia-Pacific Osteoporosis and Bone Meeting being held in conjunction with the ANZBMS Annual Scientific Meeting and JSBMR in September 4-8, 2011.The Asia-Pacific region is the largest growth market in the world in the bone field. As revealed by the IOF Asian Audit in 2009, it is anticipated that by 2050 more than 50% of all osteoporotic fractures will occur in Asia.With an active Asia-Pacific Office and 28 member societies from the Region,? IOF Regionals provide the first and only? annual opportunity for a truly Regional Meeting to occur in the Asia-Pacific Region.? IOF Meetings focus on clinical treatment of osteoporosis as well as cutting edge science in the field. ANZBMS meetings are the peak Bone and Mineral professional events in the Australian and New Zealand region and JSBMR serves the entire Japanese community with annual scientific meetings in the area of bone and mineral research.The Meeting format includes plenary sessions, abstract presentations, poster presentations and viewing, Meet-the-Expert sessions, satellite symposia, award presentations, workshops and several social events.We hope to see you there!John A. Kanis,
President - International Osteoporosis FoundationRebecca Mason,
President - Australian and New Zealand Bone & Mineral SocietyProgram ? ? Please see below for a draft program at a glance and preliminary seminar topics and associated titles. Please keep posted for more program details.PROGRAM AT A GLANCE - Please click here for a downloadable program at a glanceSEMINAR TOPICS - Biomechanics and Bone Measurement
- Mark Forwood , "Why bones fail: structure and mechanics"
- Ego Seeman , "Measuring microarchitecture"
- Clinical Management of Osteoporosis I
- Hiroshi Hagino , "Incidence and prevention of second hip fracture in Japan"
- John Kanis , "To BMD or not to BMD?
- Markus Seibel , "Fracture liaison services"
- Clinical Osteoporosis Management II
- Jacqui Center , "Osteoporosis Management and Mortality"
- Toshio Matsumoto , "New strategies for treatment of osteoporosis"
- Philip Sambrook , "Osteoporosis:? what should we measure, what should we check, whom should we treat, and with what?"
- Fracture Risk Algorithms: Soothsaying or Science?
- Emma Duncan , "Genetics, bones and fracture"
- John Kanis , Getting to Grips with FRAX: how it really works
- Male Osteoporosis
- Shigeaki Kato , "Estrogens, androgens and bone"
- Eric Orwoll , "Osteoporosis in men"
- Malignancy and Bone
- Cory Xian , "Mechanisms and prevention for cancer chemotherapy-induced bone defects"
- Toshio Yoneda , "Bone pain associated with cancer metastasis to bone"
- Andrew Zannetino , "Myeloma and bone"
- Non-Canonical Bone
- Paul Baldock , "Bones and brains"
- Caryl Nowson , "Bones and salt: the renin/angiotensin/aldosterone axis in bone"
- Matthew Warman , "LRP5, serotonin and bone"
- Osteoclasts
- Natalie Sims , "Osteoblastic support of osteoclasts"
- Nao Takahashi , "Quiescent osteoclast precursors"
- Sanuo Takeshita , "Couplin"
- Sakae Tanaka , "Regulation of activity and apoptosis of osteoclasts"
- Osteoporosis in Oceania / Asia Pacific Region
- Cyrus Cooper, "Secular trends in fracture incidence: Why are fractures increasing in Asia but falling in the West?"
- Edith Lau , "Strategies for fracture prevention in Asia - where do we go from here?"
- Ambrish Mithal , "Strategies to overcome epidemic of Vitamin D deficiency in Asia"
- Paediatric Bone Disease
- Christopher Cowell , "Measuring a growing skeleton, and the effect of ethnicity on bone and body composition"?
- Keiichi Ozono , "Osteoporosis and Osteopetrosis in the young"
- Tania Winzenberg , "Nutrition and bone in children"
- Paget''s Disease
- Tim Cundy , "The epidemiology of Paget''s disease"
- Stuart Ralston , "The genetics of Paget''s disease"
- Rheumatology and Bone
- Steven Goldring , "Inflammation and bone resorption in Rheumatoid Arthritis"
- Hiroshi Takayanagi , "Osteoimmunology"
- Gethin Thomas , "Inflammation and bone formation in Ankylosing Spondylitis"
- Skeletal Dysplasias
- Seiji Fukumoto , "Hypophosphataemia and FGF23"
- Matthew Warman , "Mouse models for Skeletal Dysplasias"
- Andreas Zankl , "Skeletal dysplasias: a new approach"
- The Effects of Ageing
- Neil Binkley , "Sarcopaenia and ageing"
- David Scott , "Sarcopaenia and Vitamin D"
- Therapeutics in Osteoporosis: Controversies
- Peter Ebeling , "The perils and pitfalls of antiresorptives"
- Satoshi Mori , "Fracture healing- tissue changes with bisphosphonates"
- Alvin Ng , "Atypical Subtrochanteric and Diaphyseal Femoral Fractures - What We Know and What We Don''t"
- Speaker to be confirmed , "The positives of bisphosphonates"
- Workshop on Bone Regeneration
- Simon Cool , "Stem cells and fracture repair"
- Yunfeng Lin , "Adipose Stem Cells and Craniofacial Regeneration"
- Hala Zreiqat , "A basis for building bone:? novel nanocomposite scaffolds for new bone growth"
2018.11.13 2018 年「华山论坛」暨第五届西京妇科微创高峰论坛会议
会务组】电 话:029-84771659 荆 茹 13201522915李 佳 13991907656
2017.07.13 2017 年 6 月 JCO 在线肿瘤研究进展速递
TOP2A 正常乳腺癌患者的 DBCG 07-READ 研究:多中心开放标签 III 期研究中,2012 名早期 TOP2A 正常的乳腺癌患者随机接受 6 周期...,无远处转移生存,死亡率都没有显著差异。3 级肿瘤从 DC 获益更多,1~2 级肿瘤从 EC-D 获益更多。证实早期 TOP2A 正常乳腺癌患者从辅助蒽环类药物