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2012.09.19 第34届欧洲麻醉学会会议

The 34th Meeting of the European Strabismological Association



Dear Colleagues and Friends of the Strabismological World,
On behalf of the organizing committee of this year's ESA congress, I wish you all a happy and successful new year.
The congress shall be held in the Belfry in Bruges, Belgium, also known as the Venice of the North, from Sunday September 11 until Wednesday September 14, 2011.
Our slogan: City from the past welcomes ideas for the future.
Please note these dates in your agenda.
Registration, abstract submission and hotel booking is now open online.
A significant part of the time shall be reserved for interactive discussions and the presentation of clinical cases.
Submit your abstracts, the Abstract submission deadline is April 15.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Bruges!
Cordial greetings,
Vincent Paris
Local Organizer



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