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2012.09.19 16th Congress of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology

16th Congress of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology

3 – 6 November, 2011, Shanghai

www.apsr2011.orgWelcome message from the Honorary Congress PresidentOn behalf of the Local Congress Committee, it is my honor to cordially invite you all to the 16th APSR. In its 16th year, the APSR Congress has been welcomed for the third time to China and we consider it a great honor to host this event, for the first time in Shanghai. The Congress venue will be the Shanghai International Convention Center. The APSR, Chinese Society of Respiratory Diseases and Shanghai Medical Association have joined forces as co-organizers of the Congress to bring together physicians, academics, healthcare professionals and decision makers in the field of respiratory medicine from around the world to discuss emerging issues and exchange ideas on current research and clinical topics in respirology.The Congress has been designed to provide an innovative and comprehensive overview of the latest research developments in respirology, primarily in conditions commonly found in the Asia Pacific region. The meeting will invite many distinguished international speakers who are expected to participate and provide insights and expert opinion on a wide range of topics in pulmonary and respiratory medicine.I hope that you will enjoy the Congress and that your interaction with your colleagues from different countries will stimulate a creative exchange of ideas and will be personally rewarding. I also trust that you will enjoy your visit to the beautiful and exciting city of Shanghai, in November 2011.

Prof. Zhong Nanshan

Honorary Congress President, APSR 2011

Welcome message from the Congress PresidentIt is my great pleasure and honor as Congress President, to welcome you to the 16th Congress of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology (APSR). The APSR is renowned as a dynamic organization showcasing the breadth and depth of respiratory medicine across the Asia Pacific region. Following the success of the two previous meetings held in China, this year’s congress hosted by Chinese Society of Respiratory Diseases (CSRD) and Shanghai Medical Association, will be held at the Shanghai International Convention Center, in the vibrant and international metropolis of Shanghai. Since its inception and first meeting held in Tokyo in 1988, the congress has gone from strength to strength and we are expecting this year’s meeting to be no exception and continue this momentum to be an outstanding success.Scheduled for the 3 – 6 November 2011, this four-day congress will feature a comprehensive scientific program, including post-graduate courses, lectures and symposia conducted by key note speakers, who are experts in the field of respirology. In addition, oral and poster presentations will provide exposure for researchers, as a platform for academic exchange on exciting new topics currently under investigation. The organizing committee has organized a range of social events and tours to encourage participants to experience the diverse local culture and traditions of the host city.I hope this Congress will be an exciting and productive gathering of respirologists from the Asia Pacific Region and provide an opportunity to share their knowledge, experience and views on current respiratory disease topics, and provide a platform for networking and collaboration between academics and physicians across the region.I would like to thank the APSR 2011 Local Congress Committee for their dedication and support in making this Congress a success and I would also like to thank all participants for their continued interest and involvement in these meetings and look forward to meeting you in November in Shanghai.We invite you to visit the website (www.apsr2011.org) regularly for the latest updates and news about the organization of the Congress.See you in Shanghai in 2011

Prof. Bai Chunxue

Congress President, APSR 2011

2012.09.19 第五届全国消化系统中晚期恶性肿瘤治疗学术交流年会

第五届全国消化系统中晚期恶性肿瘤治疗学术交流年会日期:2009年9月3日-6日地点:北京市主办:中国医促会胃病专业委员会承办:北京医帆前程文化发展中心大会组织委员会名誉主席: 曹泽毅 于中麟 林三仁顾 问: 于宗河 王铁城 谭家庚主 席: 罗珠林执行主席: 刘志锋秘 书 长: 雷仲彬 徐 辉副秘书长: 李梦苏 杜鸿梅组织委员(以拼音为序)巴善铎 常 东 褚建国 旦 增 方道连 房殿春 范惠珍 龚 彪 官布扎布 郭晓钟韩盛玺 胡伏莲 胡品津 姜利国 蒋明德 李兆申 李世荣 李 岩 李 坚 刘冰熔刘华一 刘变英 刘端祺 吕有勇 罗和生 茅爱武 毛高平 梅浙川 倪克樑 秦鸣放任建林 盛剑秋 史继学 姒建敏 苏秉忠 孙自勤 汤一新 唐国都 温春阳 吴云林汪荣泉 汪振荣 王一平 王苑本 王秀娟 王东旭 肖 冰 徐克成 杨云生 杨尚荣严海密 袁红霞 张万岱 张澍田 张桂英 赵荣莱 赵晓晏 朱人敏 智发朝 周永宁欢迎辞为进一步提高我国广大医务人员对消化系统中晚期恶性肿瘤的治疗水平,中国医促会胃病专业委员会决定于2009年9月在北京市主办第五届全国消化系统中晚期恶性肿瘤治疗学术交流年会(每年一届)。我们热忱欢迎全国同仁参加会议,交流和学习治疗消化系统中晚期恶性肿瘤的新理论、新知识、新技术和新方法。我们殷切期待与您会面!会 议 征 文1. 征文内容:征集消化内科、肿瘤科、外科、内镜放射介入科、中医科、中西医结合科等相关科室治疗消化系统中晚期恶性肿瘤(食管癌、十二指肠肿瘤、胃癌、小肠肿瘤、大肠癌、肝胆胰恶性肿瘤、腹膜癌等)方面的专题讲座、论著、文献综述、临床经验、个案报告等文稿和操作演示录像。2. 要求:①全文4000字以内及500字以内中文摘要各1份;②投稿论文须按现行规范格式书写;③截稿日期为2009年8月10日,过期论文不能收入《论文汇编》;④会议稿件及回执寄:邮编100025,北京市100025—52信箱《肿瘤会议》会务处收。联系人:杜鸿梅,电话 010-85792823 传真:010-85756157欢迎电话报名或网上投稿:电子信箱:zgwbzywyh88@ sina . com3. 会议回执:收到此《公告》后,请您及时将《回执》寄回(地址详见征文2.④)。重要提示:没有在《回执》中注明是否要学分证书者,开会时不能领学分证书!《回执》代表的姓名、通信地址字迹必须清楚,大会组委会根据收到的《回执》将于8月10日后发出会议报到通知(第二轮公告)。没有提交论文者报名截止日期为2009年8月20日。没有寄回《回执》或者没有电话报名参加会议者,将无法收到会议报到通知(第二轮公告)。4. 会务费:680元/位。食宿由会务处统一安排,费用自理,开具报销发票

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