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2013.08.16 CD33 as a target of therapy in acute myeloid leukemia: current statusand future perspectives


2013.08.12 Homozygous stop mutation in the SNX10 gene in a consanguineous Iraqi boy with osteopetrosis and corpus callosum hypoplasia


2013.08.12 A comparative study of varying doses of enoxaparin for thromboprophylaxis in critically ill patients: double-blinded, randomised controlled trial


2013.08.12 Ascorbic Acid Supplements and Kidney Stone Incidence Among Men: A Prospective Study

长期服用维C片或增加肾结石风险\r\n \r\n瑞典研究人员在新一期《美国医学会杂志—内科》(Journal of the American Medical Association Internal Medicine)上报告说,长期服用维生素C片可能会增加罹患肾结石的风险。 \r\n \r\n瑞典卡罗林斯卡医学院的研究人员对瑞典2.3万名此前从未患过肾结石的男性进行了11年跟踪调查。研究结果发现,长期服用维生素C补充剂的男性患肾结石的概率是未服用者的1.89倍,其中每日服用至少一片维C补充剂的男性患病风险更高。 \r\n \r\n研究人员说,瑞典维生素C的推荐摄入量为每日75毫克,而通常每片维生素C补充剂中维C含量为1000毫克,大大超过人体每天所需剂量。多余的维C不能被人体吸收,会以尿液内草酸的形式排出体外。鉴于草酸钙是肾结石的主要成分之一,服用维生素C补充剂产生的草酸可能增加患肾结石风险。 \r\n \r\n不过,该项研究并未发现服用混合维生素片增加罹患肾结石的风险,研究人员推测,这可能是由于混合维生素片中维生素C的含量比较低。 \r\n \r\n由于研究数据结果仅来自男性,研究人员指出该结论有待进一步完善。但研究人员建议,摄取人体所需的维C应多吃蔬菜水果,长期服用维生素C补充剂应三思后行。

2013.08.12 Wnt5a signaling mediates biliary differentiation of fetal hepatic stem/progenitor cells


2013.08.11 Predictors of Hepatitis B Cure Using Gene Therapy to Deliver DNA Cleavage Enzymes: A Mathematical Modeling Approach


2013.08.11 Clinical Findings in 111 Cases of Influenza A (H7N9) Virus Infection

2013.08.07 Evidence for a continuum of genetic, phenotypic, and biochemical abnormalities in children with growth hormone insensitivity


2013.08.07 The association between papillary thyroid carcinoma and histologically proven Hashimoto’s thyroiditis: a meta-analysis


2013.08.07 The Exomes of the NCI-60 Panel: A Genomic Resource for Cancer Biology and Systems Pharmacology


2013.08.07 Three-dimensional graphene foam as a biocompatible and conductive scaffold for neural stem cells


2013.08.07 A Model for Neural Development and Treatment of Rett SyndromeUsing Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells


2013.08.05 Exploration of human, rat, and rabbit embryonic,cardiomyocytes suggests K-channel block,as a common teratogenic mechanism


2013.08.05 Hesperidin contributes to the vascular protective effects of orange juice: a randomized crossover study in healthy volunteers1–3


2013.08.05 Statin therapy and the risk of intracerebral hemorrhage: a meta-analysis of 31 randomized controlled trials


2013.08.05 Fetuin-A acts as an endogenous ligand of TLR4 to promote lipid-induced insulin resistance


2013.07.28 CT-Guided Percutaneous Vertebroplasty of the Upper Cervical Spine Via a Translateral Appro

2013.07.21 MCAM is a novel metastasis marker and regulates spreading, apoptosis and invasion of ovarian cancer cells

2013.05.16 Doxorubicin-Eluting Bead versus Conventional TACE for Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Meta-Analysis.

第一篇关于DC-beads 和传统TACE比较的meta分析

2013.05.07 Fusion of planning CT and cystoscopy images for bladder tumor delineation: A feasibility study

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