Focusing on Direct Anterior Approach (DAA): an Interview with Dr Hu Yihe

2017-03-17 23:11 来源:丁香园 作者:Yu-sheng Li
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The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 2017 Annual Meeting (AAOS 2017) was held at the San Diego Convention Center, California's second-largest city, at 3.14 to 3.18 in U.S. time. As the honored guests, Prof. Hu Yihu, director of Department of Orthopaedics from Xiangya Hospital of Central South University made a brief introduction of the DAA of total hip replacement. Let's see what he said!


The strength and characteristics of DAA

In general, hip replacement surgery are mainly done with lateral, posterolateral approach in China. However, more or less, this approach have to cut some of the muscles affecting the joint stability and strength. The word "direct" in DAA, refers to the entrance from the front of the intermuscular interval without damage the muscles. For the reason why this approach is becoming increasingly favored by joint surgeons, I think there are three main answers. Firstly, it does not hurt the muscle. The second, hip dislocation rate using the DAA is quite low. The last but not least, it is involved in fast track recovery programme.

Direct anterior approach VS posterolateral approach

Posterolateral approach is still the first choice of the majority of orthopaedic surgeons when handling a primary hip replacement. Its applicatoin is broader because of easier handling than DAA. Aside from its obvious advantages, direct anterior approach has its own drawbacks. It can not be used to handle complicated hip surgery such as DDH (Developmental Hip Dysplasia) or revision surgery. Therefore, primary hip replacement in relatively simple case is the major application area for DAA.

What are the advantages of posterior lateral approach?  Surgical approach do affect the rate of prosthesis aseptic loosening. In direct anterior approach, surgeons get limited filed to determine the suitable prosthesis size and position, which may increases the rate of aseptic loosening of the prosthesis. However, from posterior lateral approch, surgeons can directly see that prosthesis, so the complication rate is relatively low. This requires the surgeons to carefully scan and test primary stability and prosthesis positions under fluoroscopy.  

The future premise of DAA

The first concern is so-called the learning curve. Any operation could be in trouble without full understanding of the underlying mechanism and tactics through learning. How to obtain effective learning is the next issue. The easiest way to train young surgeons starts with the cadaver study. The second is to learn DAA in operation room from the experienced surgeons. As Professor Hu added at last, never forget to choose easy and typical cases at the beginning, which will help you learning the skill with lower risk and building up your own confidence.

原文题目:AAOS 2017:胡懿郃教授谈直接前入路全髋关节置换

美国骨科医师学会年会 2017 年会(AAOS 2017)于美国时间 3.14~3.18 在加利福尼亚州第二大城市圣地亚哥会议中心隆重召开。





直接前入路 PK 后外侧入路

后外侧入路是比较经典的入路,这个入路可以做从初次到翻修的所有髋关节手术。而直接前入路有自己的缺陷,它不能做一些复杂的髋关节手术,比如 DDH(发育性髋关节发育不良)及翻修手术。所以直接前入路一般对初次髋关节置换这种比较简单的手术来说是非常方便的。





实施直接前入路 THA 的前提


一是培训,要从尸体解剖练习开始;二是开始做直接前入路时要在有经验医生的指导下进行,然后慢慢积累。胡教授认为学习曲线要达到 50 例才有才会有能力完成直接前入路手术;三是在选择病例的时候不要选择复杂病例,要选择有意义、典型的手术,让自己的入路得到很好的培训。

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编辑: 沈亮亮

